Building a Multi-Petabyte Data Platform on Delta Lake at Zalando

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TRACKData Lakehouse Architecture
INDUSTRYRetail and CPG - Food
SKILL LEVELIntermediate

At Zalando, data is at the core of everything we do and—as our organization has grown to 25 markets, 50M+ active customers, 1.8M+ articles and ~20K employees—so has our multi-petabyte-scale data & AI opportunities. Our priority at Zalando has been living up to our cloud and data strategy, which involved a highly complex company-wide transformation of our core data platforms from a legacy data ecosystem into new target platforms like the ecosystems across Databricks, AWS, etc. Multi-year migrations of such scale have challenges that go beyond the technology itself and into business transformation challenges. In this session, we will provide a practical overview of our journey driving this transformation successfully, and we will dive into key concepts that will support organizations that are looking to embark on a similar journey migrating into modern data-mesh organization-wide architectures. Furthermore, we will dive into further detail covering a use case from one specific business unit to share key lessons learned.



Alejandro Saucedo

/Director of Eng, Science & Product
Zalando SE

Olaf Melchior

/Director Data Platform
Zalando SE