Sponsored by: LTIMindtree | Generative AI: The Trust Factor We Can't Ignore!

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TYPELightning Talk
TRACKGenerative AI
INDUSTRYHealth and Life Sciences, Retail and CPG - Food, Financial Services
TECHNOLOGIESDatabricks Experience (DBX), AI/Machine Learning, GenAI/LLMs
SKILL LEVELIntermediate

As companies adopt Generative AI, ‘Trust’ becomes vital for delivering value to the economy and society. It shapes critical decisions, ensuring long-term security and strategic well-being of humans and the organizations that hinge upon its continued advancement and embodiment of human-like values. Trust should be the mandate of all AI; its inclusion from Day 0 to ensure an organic relationship. It allows engaged users to provide feedback and integrate insights while AI learns to generate improved outcomes and innovation across domains. AI systems hence must adhere to ethical principles like fairness, transparency, privacy, accountability, and security to earn and maintain trust. Join us to discover how trust can be achieved through robust Data Governance, Lineage and Security enabled by the Databricks’ Unity Catalog and Mosaic AI combination while leveraging LLMs including the latest DBRX.


Ashish Varerkar

/Vice President- Enterprise AI