
Ajay Saini
Ajay is an engineering manager at Databricks leading the GenAI training platform team. He was one of the early engineers at MosaicML (acquired by Databricks) where he first helped build and launch Composer (an open source deep learning training framework) and afterwards led the development of the MosaicML training platform which enabled customers to train models (such as LLMs) from scratch on their own datasets at scale. Prior to MosaicML, Ajay was co-founder and CEO of Overfit, an online personal training startup (YC S20). Before that, Ajay worked on ML solutions for ransomware detection and data governance at Rubrik. Ajay has both a B.S. and MEng in computer science with a concentration in AI from MIT.

Ajay’s sessions

Ajay will be contributing to these sessions at Data + AI Summit 2024: