
Ethan Chen
Ethan Chen currently works at FDA CDER Office of Business Informatics as the director of the Division of Data Management Services and Solutions (DDMSS). Since joining the FDA in 2012, Mr. Chen has led several critical initiatives as the CDER Informatics Architect, including Data Management, Analytics and Business Intelligence, Electronic Submission and Portal Collaboration programs. Ethan has over 20-years’ experience in Data Management, Enterprise Architecture, Solution Development and System Integration. Ethan received a BS from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, an MSE from Temple University and a MBA from University of Maryland at College Park.

Ethan’s sessions

Ethan will be contributing to these sessions at Data + AI Summit 2024:
Special Interest180 min

Public Sector Industry Forum

Ethan Chen/

FDA CDER OSP Office of Business

Omar Khawaja/


John Ohanian/

CA Health & Human Services Agency

Alex O'Toole/


Shawn Benjamin/

US Citizenship & Immigration Services

+ 8 more