7 West Media reaches 19 million Australians through broadcast, digital, and print media. With data intelligence at its core, the organization is transforming operations by democratizing data and accelerating AI innovation using the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform. Unity Catalog ensures seamless data governance, while Generative AI strategies like Databricks Genie and MosaicAI power audience predictions with 94% accuracy. These advancements drive better outcomes, scaled audience engagement, and impactful campaign delivery for advertisers and brands. ✔️ Hear more from our customers: https://www.databricks.com/customers ✔️ Read the Databricks blog: https://www.databricks.com/blog/categ... ✔️ Learn more about 7 West: https://www.sevenwestmedia.com.au/ 👉 Get Social LinkedIn ► https://www.linkedin.com/company/data... Instagram ► https://www.instagram.com/databricksinc/ Twitter ► https://twitter.com/databricks #dataintelligence #genai
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