Data + AI Summit 2024 GenAI Hackathon


TYPESpecial Interest

Join us for an in-person hackathon focusing on the latest GenAI models! Teams will use Databricks to build applications and solutions using either a dataset available on Databricks Marketplace or a reputable, open source dataset(subject to limitations set out in the official rules)

Three finalist team awards will be selected and announced during the Data + AI Summit 2024 meetup, and you will have the opportunity to win a cash prize to be split equally among your team members. The first place winning team will be awarded $10,000, the second place team will be awarded $5,000 and third place team will be awarded $2,500. Winners will be recognized during a keynote presentation later on in the week.

Come as a team, or join a team on-site of up to four people. We invite you to create unique and novel applications, use cases, and/or techniques to showcase open-source LLM models (e.g., Llama3, Mixtral, DBRX, etc.). We also suggest you check out LangChain, LlamaIndex, Dagster, and vector databases including but not limited to LanceDB, Pinecone, and Databricks Vector Search.

Congratulations to the winning teams:Grand Prize - Medication Regimen Optimization using LLMsSecond Place Prize - CLHIThird Place Prize - HomeGPT


Karen Bajza-Terlouw

/Developer Relations Team

Denny Lee

/Sr. Staff Developer Advocate