
Alejandro Saucedo
Alejandro is the Director of Engineering, Science & Product at Zalando SE, where he is responsible for a large portfolio of (10+) products and platforms, including one of Zalando's central data platforms which operates petabytes-scale data products, as well as several State-of-the-Art machine learning systems powering critical use-cases across the organization. He is also Chief Scientist at the Institute for Ethical AI, where he has led contributions to EU policy, including the AI Act, the Data Act and the Digital Services Act, among others. Alejandro runs the popular newsletter "The ML Engineer" (60k+ subscribers), and is currently appointed as AI Expert at the United Nations, Chair of the ML Security Committee at the Linux Foundation, and Chair of the AI Committee at the ACM.

Alejandro’s sessions

Alejandro will be contributing to these sessions at Data + AI Summit 2024: