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Databricks 가격

단순한 단일 플랫폼으로 선호하는 모든 클라우드에서 모든 데이터, 분석, AI, 워크로드를 통합

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더 큰 절약

Databricks는 사용자가 특정 사용량을 확정할 때 더 큰 할인 혜택을 드립니다. 확정 사용량이 많을수록 사용한 만큼 지불할 때보다 더 큰 할인이 제공되고 여러 클라우드에서 확정 요금을 유연하게 사용할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 문의를 통해 확인하세요.

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Key Definitions

- Price List - To view a detailed list of the Databricks Platform Services products/SKUs available on each Cloud Service Provider ("Price List"), explore the relevant category/ies above.

- List Price - The Price List displays Databricks' undiscounted price for each SKU ("List Price"). Note that pricing displayed for SKUs identified as promotional is temporarily discounted.

- SKU Group - To view details on the product SKUs included in a given Databricks Cross Service SKU Group or Service Specific SKU Group (each, also called a "SKU Group") visit our SKU Groups listing. Note that certain product exclusions may apply, as detailed in the SKU Groups.

- Promotional Discount - From time to time, Databricks may provide generally-applicable promotional discount pricing for specific Databricks Services ("Promotional Discount"). Promotional Discounts (and related conditions) are identified on the Price List or communicated to eligible customers.

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