
Databricks Beacons

The Databricks Beacons Program is our way of thanking and recognizing the community members, data scientists, data engineers, developers and open source enthusiasts who go above and beyond to uplift the data and AI community.

Whether they’re speaking at conferences, leading workshops, teaching, mentoring, blogging, writing books, creating tutorials, offering support in forums or organizing meetups, Databricks Beacons inspire others and encourage knowledge sharing while helping to solve tough data and AI problems.

ビーコンは、その情熱と技術的な専門知識を世界中のオーディエンスに伝えています。Apache Spark™、Delta Lake、MLflowなど、さまざまなオープンソースプロジェクトに貢献している人物である。遠慮せずにソーシャルで声をかけて、彼らが取り組んでいることを確認しましょう。


Adi Polak

Adiは、Microsoftの Azure Engineering組織のシニアソフトウェアエンジニア兼デベロッパーアドボケイトです。


Adi Polak

Adiは、Microsoftの Azure Engineering組織のシニアソフトウェアエンジニア兼デベロッパーアドボケイトです。


Adi Polak

Adiは、Microsoftの Azure Engineering組織のシニアソフトウェアエンジニア兼デベロッパーアドボケイトです。


Bartosz Konieczny

Bartoszは、 data engineering コンサルタントであり、インストラクターでもあります。


United States

R. Tyler Croy



Kent Yao

Apache Spark™のコミッターであり、NetEaseのスタッフソフトウェアエンジニアでもある。


Kyle Hamilton



Jacek Laskowski

Jacekは、Apache Spark™、Delta Lake、Apache Kafkaに特化したITフリーランサーです。

United States

Scott Haines

ScottはNikeのDistinguished Software Engineerで、Apache Spark™の採用推進に貢献しています。

United Kingdom

Simon Whiteley

サイモンはAdvancing Analyticsのエンジニアリングディレクターで、Microsoft Data Platform MVPであり、Data + AI Summitのスピーカーです。

United States

Geeta Chauhan

GeetaはFacebook AIでAI/PyTorch Partnership Engineeringをリードし、戦略的な取り組みに力を入れている。


Lorenz Walthert

Lorenz Walthertは data scientists、MLflowのコントリビューター、気候変動活動家、GSoC参加者です。


Yitao Li

SafeGraphのソフトウェアエンジニアであり、Apache Spark™の R インタフェースであるsparklyrの現在のメンテナです。


Maciej Szymkiewicz

Maciej は Apache Spark™ のコミッターです。メンタリングやコンサルティングを受けることができる。


Takeshi Yamamuro

武は、株式会社NTTのソフトウェアエンジニア、Apache Spark™コミッター、PMCメンバーで、主にSpark SQLに取り組んでいます。


Robert Pack

Cloud Native AI and Development Platforms
LinkedIn - GitHub


Scott Haines

Distinguished Software Engineer
LinkedIn - GitHub - X


Simon Whiteley

CTO | YouTuber | Spark Nerd
LinkedIn - YouTubeX

Alumni Beacons


Geeta Chauhan

Geeta leads AI/PyTorch Partnership Engineering at Facebook AI and focuses on strategic initiatives.


Maciej Szymkiewicz

Maciej is an Apache Spark™ committer. He is available for mentoring and consulting.


Takeshi Yamamuro

Takeshi is a software engineer, Apache Spark™ committer and PMC member at NTT, Inc., who mainly works on Spark SQL.


Lorenz Walthert

Lorenz is a data scientist, MLflow contributor, climate activist and GSoC participant.


Yitao Li

Yitao is a software engineer at SafeGraph and the current maintainer of sparklyr, an R interface for Apache Spark™.

Program Benefits

Becoming a Databricks Beacon does more than help you grow your public profile and professional development. It also comes with some great benefits. 

  • Free attendance at the Databricks Data + AI Summit

  • Peer networking and sharing through a private community channel

  • Access to Databricks and OSS subject matter experts via a private channel under NDA

  • A Databricks Beacons badge that can be used on social media or websites

  • Recognition on the Databricks website and social channels

  • Amplification of some of your work on Databricks social channels

  • Custom Databricks Beacons swag

  • Speaker opportunities at Databricks events

  • Sponsorship and swag for selected meetups

Membership Responsibilities

Beacons are first and foremost practitioners in the data and AI community. Their technology focus includes Databricks, MLflow, Delta Lake, Apache Spark™ and related ecosystem technologies. Throughout the year, Beacons actively build up others by teaching, blogging, speaking, mentoring, organizing meetups, creating content, answering questions on forums and more.

As a Databricks Beacon, your responsibilities include a combination of the following:

  • Staying up to date on the latest Databricks developments 

  • Organizing Databricks meetups or webinars

  • Contributing to technical or thought leadership blogs

  • Participating in first- and third-party events

  • Being an active member of community.databricks.com

  • Promoting Databricks events and solutions through social and individual networks

  • Engaging with new community members to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment

  • Fostering community engagement

  • Driving the growth and success of the Databricks developer community

  • Interviewing new potential members

  • Signing a personal NDA to ensure you’re added to our private channels

These responsibilities are crucial for creating a vibrant and thriving developer community. As a Beacon, you’ll always follow the Databricks Code of Conduct.

Membership Renewals

The Databricks Beacons Program is offered only to a select few. Membership is awarded annually and renewed at the end of the year. Qualification is based on member activity in the community compared to other members during the same period. New members are vetted through an interview with the Databricks DevRel team and a current Databricks Beacon.


ぜひお聞かせください!データおよびAIコミュニティに対して継続的に優れた貢献をした人物を教えてください。候補者は、コミュニティの誰かによって推薦される必要があります。お客様、パートナー、 Databricks の従業員、あるいは現在Beaconを使用している人など、誰でも推薦を提出することが可能です。応募は順次審査され、会員資格は1年間有効です。