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Sicherheits- und Vertrauenscenter

Ihre Datensicherheit ist unsere Priorität




Wir wissen, dass Daten zu Ihren wertvollsten Gütern gehören und jederzeit geschützt sein müssen. Deshalb ist Sicherheit in jeden Layer der Databricks Data Intelligence Platform integriert. Dank unserer Transparenz können Sie Ihre rechtlichen Anforderungen erfüllen und gleichzeitig die Vorteile unserer Plattform nutzen.

Trusted Platform

Trust comes through transparency. See how we secure the platform through industry-leading practices including penetration testing, vulnerability management and secure software development to protect the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform.

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Security Features

We provide comprehensive security capabilities to protect your data and workloads, such as encryption, network controls, auditing, identity integration, access controls and data governance.

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Customers all over the world and across industries rely on the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform. We have the certifications and attestations to meet the unique compliance needs of highly regulated industries.

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We value the privacy of your data and understand that it is important to both your organization and your customers. Databricks can help you comply with privacy laws and meet regulatory requirements.

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AI Security

Our Databricks Security team works with our customer base to deploy AI and machine learning on Databricks securely with the appropriate features that meet customers' architecture requirements. 

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Responsible AI

Databricks believes that the advancement of AI relies on building trust in intelligent applications by following responsible practices in the development and use of AI.

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Mit unserem Due-Diligence-Paket, das Dokumentations- und Compliance-Materialien enthält, führen Sie Sicherheitsüberprüfungen von Databricks selbst durch.