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More bang for your buck: cashing in on the data and AI explosion

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The ever-increasing amount of bits and bytes available to companies is leading to a data explosion. Businesses that are able to effectively manage, and commercialise, their data will succeed in the post-pandemic world. Despite these incentives, many companies are struggling to get to grips with the sheer quantity of data. De-siloing data operations is still an ambition for many and data literacy is still in too short supply. On top of that, organisations need to ensure that they are using the right data for their goals: the maxim of "garbage in, garbage out" is truer than ever before. Companies that are looking to commercialise their data will also face more and more regulatory pressure, where a bad decision can lead to lasting commercial and reputational damage.
Join Economist Impact, and four industry leaders, as we explore what strategies and tools organisations can put in place to make the most of the data explosion and commercialise their data effectively.
Questions we will address include:
- What should technology leaders be doing to encourage organisational de-siloing?
- What are the roadblocks business leaders face when creating collaborative teams that run across businesses?
- How best can these roadblocks be overcome? What strategies are available to avoid the garbage in, garbage out scenario? And how can technologists ensure that these new data strategies conform to wider business objectives?
- Do companies have the right tools and data platforms in place to ensure they are keeping up to speed with the latest, and ever-evolving, data regulatory laws?
- How can companies balance the use of data with the protection and privacy of data?
Featured Speakers

Tim Rogers
Head of analytics and analytics tribe team lead

Chris D’Agostino
Global field CTO

Datin Habsah Nordin
General manager, enterprise data

Charles Ross
Principal, public policy and thought leadership
The Economist Group

Dan Jermyn
Chief decision scientist
Commonwealth Bank of Australia