Databricks Onboarding Sessions

If you’re new to Databricks, sign up now to access our free on-demand webinars, to help you make the most of our platform.

Session #1: Cluster Creation and Sizing

Duration: 1 hour

Speaker: Kedar Deshpande

Level: Beginner

This webinar provides an introduction to clusters, cost management, access control levels and governance from an experienced Customer Success Engineer (CSE), to help you get started with your projects. The session is particularly relevant to platform admins and anyone managing clusters and/or access controls.

Topics covered: 

  • Pricing and cost review – quick highlights of DBU and pricing structure
  • Governance – who can create clusters?
  • Architecting clusters – how to create the most efficient clusters
  • Cluster sizing – how large to make your clusters
  • Q&A

Session #2: Introduction to Data Engineering with Delta Lake

Duration: 1 hour

Speaker: Julian Perada

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

During this session, learn about the Delta Lake Open Source project, the Lakehouse architecture, and the different Delta Lake features. You will also gain insight into big data limitations and bottlenecks and best practices around scaling out data lakes efficiently.

Topics covered: 

  • Lakehouse and Delta Lake introduction
  • Delta Lake features deep dive
  • Delta Lake architecture patterns – Bronze / Silver / Gold pipeline
  • Reconciling batch and streaming
  • Demo
  • Q&A

Session #3: Introduction to Data Science on Databricks with MLflow

Duration: 1 hour

Speaker: Nima Nooshi

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

This data science-focused session covers the different components of MLflow, and how to use MLflow to track, register and serve your machine learning models.

Topics covered:

  • Introduction to MLflow
  • MLflow demo:
    • Train a single node ML model and log the results in MLflow
    • MLflow UI walkthrough
    • MLflow API
  • Q&A

Sign up for full access to these free onboarding webinars now.