
Real-time Threat Detection, Analytics and AI in Public Sector

Available On Demand

Enhancing Cybersecurity with a Unified Approach to Big Data and Machine Learning powered by Apache Spark™ and Delta Lake

Since 2013, cybercriminals have stolen over 14.7B records from organizations across industry. The Public Sector is no exception with criminals and nation states launching constant attacks. Responding quickly to cyberthreats is critical to avoiding a breach. To do this successfully, government agencies need to monitor and analyze billions of data signals in real-time and perform ad-hoc analysis over large time windows of historical data. Yet, existing security tools are struggling to keep up. Overcoming these challenges requires a new approach to threat detection rooted in big data and AI.

Join this webinar and live demo to learn about the latest trends in data-driven cybersecurity and hear how Databricks, the cloud and open-source big data technologies like Apache Spark™ and Delta Lake can be used to scale threat detection and prevent attacks in near real-time.

In this webinar you will learn:

  • The current state of cybersecurity in Public Sector
  • How real-time analytics and AI can help agencies uncover anomalous behavior patterns
  • How to reduce data ingress and retention costs with a new approach to threat monitoring powered by Apache Spark and Delta Lake
  • Live demos:
    • Scalable Real-time Threat Detection Architecture
    • DGA Malware Detection with Machine Learning


  • Howard Levenson, Federal Regional Vice President, Databricks
  • Arun Pamulapati, Public Sector Sr. Solutions Architect, Databricks
  • Zafer Bilaloglu, Public Sector Solutions Architect, Databricks