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New Webinar: How to Evaluate Cloud-based Apache Spark Platforms

Platform blog

Published: November 9, 2016

ProductLess than a minute
  • Date & Time: November 16th, 2016 at 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET / 5:00pm UTC
  • Presenter: Nik Rouda - Senior Analyst, ESG

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Apache Spark has quickly become the de-facto big data engine in data-driven companies for its performance, flexibility, and ease of use. This rise in popularity is causing an increasing number of companies across industries to evaluate Spark for their business. Unfortunately, few companies have the domain expertise and resources to build their own Spark-based infrastructure — often times resulting in a mix of tools that are complex to stand up and time consuming to maintain.

There are a number of cloud-based platforms available that allow you to harness the power of Spark while reaping the advantages of the cloud. The challenge is understanding the key decision criteria in choosing a Spark platform and how to evaluate each vendor’s platform against those requirements.

This webinar, featuring ESG senior analyst Nik Rouda, will help you navigate these options and provide practical best practices and tools to evaluate and compare the most popular cloud-based Spark solutions.

The webinar will provide you with the tools to:

  • Define the evaluation criteria and compare common options.
  • Set up a successful proof of concept (PoC).
  • Estimate the total cost of ownership (TCO) and assess the return on investment (ROI).

Please register for this webinar today!

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