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Women in Big Data and Apache Spark: Bay Area Apache Spark Meetup Summary

Company Blog

Published: April 17, 2018

Events2 min read

In collaboration with the local chapter of Women in Big Data Meetup and our continuing effort by Databricks diversity team to have more women in the big data space as speakers to share their subject matter expertise, we hosted our second meetup with a diverse and highly-accomplished women in their respective technical fields as speakers at the Bay Area Spark Meetup at Databricks.

For those who missed the meetup, moderated by Maddie Schults and Yvette Ramirez, below are the videos and links to the presentation slides. You can peruse slides and view the videos at your leisure. To those who helped and attended, thank you for your participation and continued community support. And to those who wish to be part of the diversity, join your local Women in Big Data chapter—and be a champion.

Bringing a Jewel from Python World to the JVM with Apache Spark, Arrow, and Spacy

By Holden Karau

Just Enough DevOps for Data Scientists (Part II)

By Anya Bida

View the slides here

Creating Beautiful and Meaningful Visualizations with Big Data

By Shane He

View the slides here

What's Next

Our next BASM will be held in June 2018 at Moscone Center in SF as part of the Spark + AI Pre-summit Meetup. If you are not a member, join us today. If you have not registered for Spark + AI Summit in SF, please do so now and use the BASMU code to get 15% discount. We hope to see you there.

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