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Build Your Business on Databricks With Partner Connect

Updated: June 18, 2024
Published: November 18, 2021
Partners2 min read

At Databricks we believe that to create the ultimate customer experience, we must leverage the work of more than just our employees and create a platform others can extend. To see the importance of this, think of the apps on your phone. Were they all made by Apple or Google? How much less valuable would your phone be if that’s all you had?

That’s why today we are announcing the launch of Partner Connect that brings together the best data, analytics, and AI tools in one place for our customers to discover and integrate with. We’ve designed Partner Connect to meet the needs of both customers and partners, because that’s the only way we can create a virtuous cycle that will continue to grow and generate value for both groups.

Partner Connect is not just a list of logos, it’s a deep integration into Databricks that is directly visible and accessible to Databricks customers.

Partner Connect is not just a list of logos, it’s a deep integration into Databricks that is directly visible and accessible to Databricks customers, and this is what makes it so valuable. By making their products available in Partner Connect, our partners can expect three key benefits that will help them build their businesses.

New leads

With thousands of existing customers using the Databricks Lakehouse Platform and more joining every day, our partners in Partner Connect can expect significantly more inbound connections. Whether that means new customers or increased consumption from your existing customers, it’s a win either way.

Deep integration

Partner Connect creates a seamless experience for Databricks customers to create a new free trial account of our partners’ products AND automatically connect that account to their Databricks workspace. That means Databricks customers can find your product, create an account in your system, and play with your product with their Databricks Lakehouse already connected. How does it work? Partner Connect was built to invoke our partner’s APIs to establish connections, create accounts and pass details for the connection back to Databricks. The hardest parts of onboarding have been automated.

Example BI integration within Partner Connect

Customers can finish signing up for a trial account on the partner’s website or directly log in if they already used Partner Connect to create a trial account.

Visibility & confidence

We want our sales teams and our partners to work and co-sell together. By putting your product in Partner Connect, it serves as a clear signal to the market that your product’s connection to Databricks Is built on a deep, quality integration. That means customer champions, our sales teams, and our partners can recommend it with full confidence, and that makes all the difference.

We look forward to working with you! If you would like to discuss adding your product to Partner Connect, please visit the Partner Connect registration page.

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