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Databricks Marketplace Welcomes 42 New Data Providers in Q1 2024

Databricks Marketplace Welcomes 42 New Data Providers in Q1 2024

Published: June 7, 2024

Partners5 min read

In June 2023, we launched Databricks Marketplace as an open marketplace for all your data, analytics, and AI needs, powered by the open Delta Sharing protocol. These offerings encompass datasets, ML models, notebooks, and solution accelerators, catering to various industry need.

To highlight the impressive growth of the Marketplace, we are thrilled to launch a new quarterly series that will feature the latest listings, new providers, and exciting notebooks.

Introducing Our New Data Providers

This quarter we've added 42 new providers, bringing our total to more than 200 data providers. Alongside this, we've introduced 200 new listings, pushing our total to over 1,900 listings.

Spotlight on Five New Additions to Databricks Marketplace

Highlighting over 40 new data providers in one blog is like trying to binge-watch 42 shows in one night—it's just too much to take in at once!

So, we are particularly excited to highlight five new launches - Intercontinental Exchange, Shutterstock, Trilliant Health, OLAP Trader, and BCMstrategy. They were all hand-picked for their unique offerings across multiple industries and supporting notebooks, which significantly enhanced the user experience by facilitating easy exploration and visualization. Upcoming data providers - rise above the rest with these unique strategies!

1. Assess Climate Risk Data Insights for Municipal Bond Markets with ICE

Intercontinental Exchange, a leading global provider of data, technology, and market infrastructure, listed on Databricks Marketplace.

The dataset provides insights into how physical climate risks, such as exposure to floods, wildfires, and hurricanes, are quantified and ranked for municipal bond offerings.

Data scientists can use time-series analysis to identify historical trends in municipal bond pricing and correlate these trends with climate risk data over time. For example: This can help evaluate how a coastal city's municipal bonds might be affected by sea-level rise or how a drought-prone region's bonds are at risk due to water scarcity.

Check out the listing and the notebook visualization here:

2. 1st content-based listing from Shutterstock

We are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaboration that brings the vast collection of Shutterstock imagery to the Databricks Marketplace — our first listing of Volume (aka non-tabular or file-based) datasets on our Marketplace. This free sample dataset, which consists of 1,000 images and accompanying metadata sourced from Shutterstock's 550+ million image library, is available for immediate access.

What are the possible use cases with Shutterstock image datasets? Imagine a fictitious retailer, Berkeley FoodMart, with 50,000 products in its store and a 20% turnover each year. It struggling to manually maintain descriptions for all products. Now, it can leverage the Shutterstock dataset with its robust metadata to build the image-to-text model to generate metadata and keywords from new product images. Shutterstock image datasets would be fully curated for Berkeley FoodMart to safely build their model with clear data origins. They'll use these keywords with an LLM to generate user-friendly product descriptions.

Explore the dataset here.

3. Better patient outcomes with Trilliant Health

Trilliant Health delivers analytics and insights for the healthcare industry, enabling better decision-making and patient outcomes. There are 2 datasets that Trilliant Health listed on Databricks Marketplace.

  • What facilities do Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance providers practice out of? Where are the TOA offices where a patient would travel for a consult or perhaps some imaging? Provider Directory gives visibility to more than 9 million healthcare facilities, physicians, and allied health professionals across the United States. Sample notebook.
  • What is the forecasted demand for "Fracture and/or Dislocation Procedures on the Femur (Thigh Region) and Knee Joint" for different age groups? Demand forecast leverages GLMMs in combination with 100B+ rows of claims data to project future demand for healthcare services over a 10-year horizon. Think of it as predicting who will need a cast next, from playground daredevils to weekend warriors and dance floor enthusiasts.

Explore the dataset & notebooks here.

4. Making an informed trade or investment with OLAPTrader

OLAPTrader specializes in gathering and analyzing financial data through a method known as online analytical processing (OLAP). With a free trial offering on Databricks Marketplace, customers get access to over 180 Technical Indicators for 12 US Stock Exchanges.

Who would benefit from such a dataset? Imagine you are a data scientist working for a financial services firm that aims to improve the accuracy of its stock market prediction models. You will leverage the technical indicator data provided by OLAPTrader, available on the Databricks Marketplace, to enhance your machine learning models. This will lead to better-informed trading decisions, ultimately increasing your firm's profitability and reducing investment risks.

OLAPTrader data is accessible via PySpark SQL tables. A sample notebook with various "Select" Statements is included to help customers get started in exploring our datasets.

Get started here.

5. Anticipate public policy risks with BCMstrategy

BCMstrategy has added its PolicyScope data to the Databricks Marketplace, which helps professionals like strategists and portfolio managers use machine learning and AI for better decision-making about public policy trends.

For example, When policymakers talk, they also give hints about what they might do next with their policies. A notebook with the listing shows how to calculate the delta between Action (what policymakers say and do regarding a keyword or topic) and Rhetoric (media coverage about the keyword or topic) on any given day for a keyword or topic in order to measure the size of your informational advantage on any given day.

Check out the listing and the notebook here.

Additional New Providers on Databricks Marketplace

Below are additional new providers representing a facet of the diverse offerings available on Databricks Marketplace.

Domain Provider Name
Marketing & Consumer Insights
  • Deep Sync: Provides enriched customer address data, including city and DMA identification for zip codes, aiding in targeted marketing efforts.
  • Fantastic Enterprises: Offers consumer interest data categorized by demographic factors, enhancing ad conversions, personalization, and market trend analysis.
  • Gravy Analytics: Delivers location-based consumer behavior insights, useful for refining marketing strategies and business decisions.
Financial and Economic Analysis
  • Caden: Supplies near-real-time data on consumer spending and economic indicators across various demographics, supporting dynamic economic analysis.
  • Exchange Data International: Provides 16 datasets aimed at assisting the global financial community in risk management and reduction.
Real Estate and Moving
  • Speedeon Data: Specializes in data on movers, supporting customer acquisition and retention strategies for businesses targeting new residents.
Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
  • Allium: Provides comprehensive datasets on Ethereum blockchain activities, including smart contracts, token movements, and NFT markets, catering to the analytical needs of cryptocurrency users.
Sports Analytics
  • Sports Innovation Lab: Delivers detailed analytics on the purchasing habits of sports-focused consumers and provides market intelligence to enhance strategies in the sports industry. Check out the detailed blog here.


We invite our users to explore the ever-expanding universe of Databricks Marketplace. It's like a bustling bazaar where data enthusiasts can find everything from the latest AI models to niche data sets or notebooks with rich visualizations.

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