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Databricks Certification and Badging

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Databricks Certified Hadoop Migration Architect

Databricks Certified Hadoop Migration Architect

The Databricks Certified Hadoop Migration Architect certification exam assesses an individual’s ability to architect migrations from Hadoop to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. This includes comparing and contrasting a legacy Hadoop platform with the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. It also includes the ability to architect the migration of data and the migration of code. Finally, it assesses the ability to architect the final cutover steps when completing migrations. Individuals who pass this certification exam can be expected to architect migrations from legacy Hadoop deployments to the Databricks Lakehouse Platform.


In order to achieve this certification, earners must pass a certification exam. In order to achieve this certification, please either log in or create an account in our certification platform.

Learning Pathway

This certification is targeted at specific customers and partners, so it is not part of a learning pathway.

Exam Details

Key details about the certification exam are provided below.

Minimally Qualified Candidate

The minimally qualified candidate should be able to:

  • Compare the typical Hadoop platform with the Databricks Lakehouse Platform, including:

    • Platform comparisons

    • Technology equivalents

    • Platform security

  • Architect data and metadata migrations from Hadoop to Databricks, including:

    • Migration concepts

    • Push approach

    • Pull approach

  • Architect code and workflow migrations from legacy Hadoop deployments to Databricks and its partners, including:

    • Data management

    • Environment configuration

    • Apache Spark and Delta Lake

  • Perform final cutover from the source system to Databricks, including:

    • Parallel deployments

    • Validation

    • Offboarding


Testers will have 90 minutes to complete the certification exam.


There are 45 multiple-choice questions on the certification exam. The questions will be distributed by high-level topic in the following way:

  • Platform Concepts – 31% (14/45)

  • Data Migration – 29% (13/45)

  • Code Migration – 33% (15/45)

  • Cutover – 7% (3/45)

In order to pass the exam, testers must achieve a score of 65 percent.


Each attempt of the certification exam will cost the tester $200. Testers might be subjected to tax payments depending on their location. Testers are able to retake the exam as many times as they would like, but they will need to pay $200 for each attempt.

Test Aids

There are no test aids available during this exam

Programming Language

All code in this exam will be provided in SQL or Python.


Because of the speed at which the responsibilities of a data engineer and capabilities of the Databricks Lakehouse Platform change, this certification is valid for 2 years following the date on which each tester passes the certification exam.


The following Databricks Academy courses should be taken prior to taking this certification exam:

  • Self-paced: Databricks Platform Administration (coming soon)

  • Instructor-led/Self-paced: Data Engineering with Databricks

  • Self-paced: Hadoop Migration Architecture

It is also recommended that test takers have experience architecting and implementing migrations from legacy Hadoop systems to Databricks.

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to view answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), please refer to Databricks Academy FAQ document.