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Virtual Event

Databricks Customer Exchange

Building your vision, delivering success


Call for presentations is now open!

Share your experience at the next Databricks Customer Exchange, on the 30th of May 2023.

Submit your talk here before 14 April

Why speak at the Databricks Customer Exchange?

The Databricks Customer Exchange is an opportunity to share your successful projects, team achievements and impactful use cases within, and outside, your organisation. It is also a chance to increase your profile within the Databricks customer community, share best practices with your peers, build your network, promote your organisation as a leader in your sector and drive recruitment.

How do I become a speaker? (prerequisites)

Firstly, you must be an existing Databricks customer, with current data and AI projects that you can share with attendees. Simply submit your presentation via this online form by the deadline, 14 April 2023. Our jury will review and select the speakers, and will notify you directly if you have been successful.

What is the Databricks Customer Exchange?

  • The only event dedicated specifically to Databricks customers (takes place twice yearly)
  • A half-day event with two to three customer testimonials, plus presentations from the Databricks customer success team and the Databricks leadership team
  • A forum where peers can share their experiences, challenges and best practices while using the Databricks platform