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Databricks on GCP - A practitioners guide on data exfiltration protection.

Learn details of how you could set up a secure Databricks on GCP architecture to protect data exfiltration

Databricks on GCP - A practitioners guide on data exfiltration protection

Published: May 16, 2023

Partners9 min read

The Databricks Lakehouse Platform provides a unified set of tools for building, deploying, sharing, and maintaining enterprise-grade data solutions at scale. Databricks integrates with Google Cloud & Security in your cloud account and manages and deploys cloud infrastructure on your behalf.

The overarching goal of this article is to mitigate the following risks:

  • Data access from a browser on the internet or an unauthorized network using the Databricks web application.
  • Data access from a client on the internet or an unauthorized network using the Databricks API.
  • Data access from a client on the internet or an unauthorized network using the Cloud Storage (GCS) API.
  • A compromised workload on the Databricks cluster writes data to an unauthorized storage resource on GCP or the internet.

Databricks supports several GCP native tools and services that help protect data in transit and at rest. One such service is VPC Service Controls, which provides a way to define security perimeters around Google Cloud resources. Databricks also supports network security controls, such as firewall rules based on network or secure tags. Firewall rules allow you to control inbound and outbound traffic to your GCE virtual machines.

Encryption is another important component of data protection. Databricks supports several encryption options, including customer-managed encryption keys, key rotation, and encryption at rest and in transit. Databricks-managed encryption keys are used by default and enabled out of the box. Customers can also bring their own encryption keys managed by Google Cloud Key Management Service (KMS).

Before we begin, let's look at the Databricks deployment architecture here:

Databricks is structured to enable secure cross-functional team collaboration while keeping a significant amount of backend services managed by Databricks so you can stay focused on your data science, data analytics, and data engineering tasks.

Databricks operates out of a control plane and a data plane.

  • The control plane includes the backend services that Databricks manages in its own Google Cloud account. Notebook commands and other workspace configurations are stored in the control plane and encrypted at rest.
  • Your Google Cloud account manages the data plane and is where your data resides. This is also where data is processed. You can use built-in connectors so your clusters can connect to data sources to ingest data or for storage. You can also ingest data from external streaming data sources, such as events data, streaming data, IoT data, and more.

The following diagram represents the flow of data for Databricks on Google Cloud:

High-level Architecture

High-level view of the default deployment architecture.

Network Communication Path

Let's understand the communication path we want to secure. Databricks could be consumed by users and applications in numerous ways, as shown below:

High-level view of the communication paths.

A Databricks workspace deployment includes the following network paths to secure

  1. Users who access Databricks web application aka workspace
  2. Users or applications that access Databricks REST APIs
  3. Databricks data plane VPC network to the Databricks control plane service. This includes the secure cluster connectivity relay and the workspace connection for the REST API endpoints.
  4. Dataplane to your storage services
  5. Dataplane to external data sources e.g. package repositories like pypi or maven

From end-user perspective, the paths 1 & 2 require ingress controls and 3,4,5 egress controls

In this article, our focus area is to secure egress traffic from your Databricks workloads, provide the reader with prescriptive guidance on the proposed deployment architecture, and while we are at it, we'll share best practices to secure ingress (user/client into Databricks) traffic as well.

Proposed Deployment Architecture

Deployment Architecture

Create Databricks workspace on GCP with the following features

  1. Customer managed GCP VPC for workspace deployment
  2. Private Service Connect (PSC) for Web application/APIs (frontend) and Control plane (backend) traffic
    • User to Web Application / APIs
    • Data Plane to Control Plane
  3. Traffic to Google Services over Private Google Access
    • Customer managed services (e.g. GCS, BQ)
    • Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for logs (health telemetry and audit) and Google Container Registry (GCR) for Databricks runtime images
  4. Databricks workspace (data plane) GCP project secured using VPC Service Controls (VPC SC)
  5. Customer Managed Encryption keys
  6. Ingress control for Databricks workspace/APIs using IP Access list
  7. Traffic to external data sources filtered via VPC firewall [optional]
    • Egress to public package repo
    • Egress to Databricks managed hive
  8. Databricks to GCP managed GKE control plane
    • Databricks control plane to GKE control plane (kube-apiserver) traffic over authorized network
    • Databricks data plane GKE cluster to GKE control plane over vpc peering

Essential Reading

Before you begin, please ensure that you are familiar with these topics


  • A Google Cloud account.
  • A Google Cloud project in the account.
  • A GCP VPC with three subnets precreated, see requirements here
  • A GCP IP range for GKE master resources
  • Use the Databricks Terraform provider 1.13.0 or higher. Always use the latest version of the provider.
  • A Databricks on Google Cloud account in the project.
  • A Google Account and a Google service account (GSA) with the required permissions.
    • To create a Databricks workspace, the required roles are explained here. As the GSA could provision additional resources beyond Databricks workspace, for example, private DNS zone, A records, PSC endpoints etc, it is better to have a project owner role in avoiding any permission-related issues.
  • On your local development machine, you must have:
    • The Terraform CLI: See Download Terraform on the website.
    • Terraform Google Cloud Provider: There are several options available here and here to configure authentication for the Google Provider. Databricks doesn't have any preference in how Google Provider authentication is configured.


  • Both Shared VPC or standalone VPC are supported
  • Google terraform provider supports OAUTH2 access token to authenticate GCP API calls and that's what we have used to configure authentication for the google terraform provider in this article.
    • The access tokens are short-lived (1 hour) and not auto refreshed
  • Databricks terraform provider depends upon the Google terraform provider to provision GCP resources
  • No changes, including resizing subnet IP address space or changing PSC endpoints configuration is allowed post workspace creation.
  • If your Google Cloud organization policy has domain-restricted sharing enabled, please ensure that both the Google Cloud customer IDs for Databricks (C01p0oudw) and your own organization's customer ID are in the policy's allowed list. See the Google article Setting the organization policy. If you need help, contact your Databricks representative before provisioning the workspace.
  • Make sure that the service account used to create Databricks workspace has the required roles and permissions.
  • If you have VPC SC enabled on your GCP projects, please update it per the ingress and egress rules listed here.
  • Understand the IP address space requirements; a quick reference table is available over here
  • Here's a list of Gcloud commands that you may find useful
  • Databricks does support global access settings in case you want Databricks workspace (PSC endpoint) to be accessed by a resource running in a different region from where Databricks is.

Deployment Guide

There are several ways to implement the proposed deployment architecture

  • Use the UI
  • Databricks Terraform Provider [recommended & used in this article]
  • Databricks REST APIs

Irrespective of the approach you use, the resource creation flow would look like this:

Deployment Guide

GCP resource and infrastructure setup

This is a prerequisite step. How the required infrastructure is provisioned, i.e. using Terraform or Gcloud or GCP cloud console, is out of the scope of this article. Here's a list of GCP resources required:

GCP Resource Type Purpose Details
Project Create Databricks Workspace (ws) Project requirements
Service Account Used with Terraform to create ws Databricks Required Role and Permission. In addition to this you may also need additional permissions depending upon the GCP resources you are provisioning.
VPC + Subnets Three subnets per ws Network requirements
Private Google Access (PGA) Keeps traffic between Databricks control plane VPC and Customers VPC private Configure PGA
DNS for PGA Private DNS zone for private api's DNS Setup
Private Service Connect Endpoints Makes Databricks control plane services available over private ip addresses.

Private Endpoints need to reside in its own, separate subnet.
Endpoint creation
Encryption Key Customer-managed Encryption key used with Databricks Cloud KMS-based key, supports auto key rotation. Key could be "software" or "HSM" aka hardware-backed keys.
Google Cloud Storage Account for Audit Log Delivery Storage for Databricks audit log delivery Configure log delivery
Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Account for Unity Catalog Root storage for Unity Catalog Configure Unity Catalog storage account
Add or update VPC SC policy Add Databricks specific ingress and egress rules Ingress & Egress yaml along with gcloud command to create a perimeter. Databricks projects numbers and PSC attachment URI's available over here.
Add/Update Access Level using Access Context Manager Add Databricks regional Control Plane NAT IP to your access policy so that ingress traffic is only allowed from an allow listed IP List of Databricks regional control plane egress IP's available over here

Create Workspace

  • Clone Terraform scripts from here
    • To keep things simple, grant project owner role to the GSA on the service and shared VPC project
  • Update *.vars files as per your environment setup
Variable Details
google_service_account_email [NAME]@[PROJECT]
google_project_name PROJECT where data plane will be created
google_region E.g. us-central1, supported regions
databricks_account_id Locate your account id
databricks_workspace_name [ANY NAME]
databricks_admin_user Provide at least one user email id. This user will be made workspace admin upon creation. This is a required field.
google_shared_vpc_project PROJECT where VPC used by dataplane is located. If you are not using Shared VPC then enter the same value as google_project_name
google_vpc_id VPC ID
gke_node_subnet NODE SUBNET name aka PRIMARY subnet
gke_pod_subnet POD SUBNET name aka SECONDARY subnet
gke_service_subnet SERVICE SUBNET SUBNET name aka SECONDARY subnet
gke_master_ip_range GKE control plane ip address range. Needs to be /28
cmek_resource_id projects/[PROJECT]/locations/[LOCATION]/keyRings/[KEYRING]/cryptoKeys/[KEY]
google_pe_subnet A dedicated subnet for private endpoints, recommended size /28. Please review network topology options available before proceeding. For this deployment we are using the "Host Databricks users (clients) and the Databricks dataplane on the same network" option.
workspace_pe Unique name e.g. frontend-pe
relay_pe Unique name e.g. backend-pe
relay_service_attachment List of regional service attachment URI's
workspace_service_attachment List of regional service attachment URI's
private_zone_name E.g. "databricks"
dns_name (. is required in the end)

If you do not want to use the IP-access list and would like to completely lock down workspace access (UI and APIs) outside of your corporate network, then you would need to:

  • Comment out databricks_workspace_conf and databricks_ip_access_list resources in the
  • Update databricks_mws_private_access_settings resource's public_access_enabled setting from true to false in the
    • Please note that Public_access_enabled setting cannot be changed after the workspace is created
  • Make sure that you have Interconnect Attachments aka vlanAttachments are created so that traffic from on premise networks can reach GCP VPC (where private endpoints exist) over dedicated interconnect connection.

Successful Deployment Check

Upon successful deployment, the Terraform output would look like this:

backend_end_psc_status = "Backend psc status: ACCEPTED"
front_end_psc_status = "Frontend psc status: ACCEPTED"
workspace_id = "workspace id: <UNIQUE-ID.N>"
ingress_firewall_enabled = "true"
ingress_firewall_ip_allowed = tolist([
service_account = "Default SA attached to GKE nodes
workspace_url = "https://<UNIQUE-ID.N>"

Post Workspace Creation

  • Validate that DNS records are created, follow this doc to understand required A records.
  • Configure Unity Catalog (UC)
  • Assign Workspace to UC
  • Add users/groups to workspace via UC Identity Federation
  • Auto provision users/groups from your Identity Providers
  • Configure Audit Log Delivery
  • If you are not using UC and would like to use Databricks managed hive then add an egress firewall rule to your VPC as explained here

Getting Started with Data Exfiltration Protection with Databricks on Google Cloud

We discussed utilizing cloud-native security control to implement data exfiltration protection for your Databricks on GCP deployments, all of which could be automated to enable data teams at scale. Some other things that you may want to consider and implement as part of this project are:

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