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Introduction to Data Analysis

for Aspiring Data Scientists


Join us for a four-part learning series: Introduction to Data Analysis for Aspiring Data Scientists. This self-paced online workshop series is for anyone and everyone interested in learning about data analysis. No previous programming experience required.

Each workshop page contains the session video recording, transcripts, speaker info, and a GitHub link to access the notebooks and resources. We suggest you start with Part One, Introduction to Python, and continue from there in order because each workshop builds upon the last.

If you’d like to follow along, please Sign Up for your free Community Edition account or download the Delta Lake library.


Data Analysis with Pandas

This workshop is on pandas, a powerful open-source Python package for data analysis and manipulation. In this workshop, you will learn how to read data, compute summary statistics, check data distributions, conduct basic data cleaning and transformation, and plot simple visualizations. Although no prep work is required, we do recommend basic python knowledge. Watch Part One, Introduction to Python to learn about Python.