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Better Alerts: Announcing New Workflows Notifications

New and richer notifications to help you run reliable Workflows

Better Alerts: Announcing New Workflows Notifications

Published: January 3, 2023

Product2 min read

Databricks Workflows is a fully-managed orchestration service that is deeply integrated with the Databricks Lakehouse Platform. Workflows is a great alternative to Airflow and Azure Data Factory for building reliable data, analytics, and ML workflows on any cloud without needing to manage complex infrastructure. To help data teams sleep better at night, we are happy to announce the ability to receive Job notifications via webhook so you can easily integrate Workflows into your operations stack. Additionally, we are also rolling out streamlined email notifications.

Workflow notifications for Slack and webhooks
You can now integrate Workflow notifications into operational monitoring systems with a new webhook notification destination. We also offer a direct integration with Slack, which makes it easy to keep your team updated on important events such as a failed job run. These richer notifications will allow data teams to collaborate better directly in the tool of their choice.

Example of the new native Slack notification
Example of the new native Slack notification

Future integrations will include notifications sent to Microsoft Teams or PagerDuty.
This feature is currently in Public Preview: Learn more

Streamlined email notifications
We've also streamlined our email notifications with more context and a modern design. Notification emails will now include important details like run duration and error messages.

Example of a new email notification, including an error message
Example of a new email notification, including an error message

This new feature is available to all customers immediately on an opt-in basis per workspace. Admins can enable this through Workspace Settings.

Get started with Databricks Workflows
To experience the productivity boost that a fully-managed, integrated lakehouse orchestrator offers, we invite you to create your first Databricks Workflow today. Get started for free.

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