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Legacy Data for Analytics and AI

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Why Databricks + Precisely?

Integrate legacy data into Delta Lake

Build visual ETL pipelines for batch and streaming workflows that convert mainframe data to relational models that load into Databricks and Delta Lake.

Simplify legacy system modernization

Accelerate legacy system modernization with a design once, deploy anywhere approach to move existing data pipelines to Databricks.

Minimize system impact to legacy systems

Ensure that integrating data from legacy systems never disrupts the business and handles high data volumes with ease using Precisely’s Connect.

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Watch Precisely in Action for Delta Lake

Make legacy data accessible in Databricks

How it works

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Define connections to legacy data sources and metadata

Precisely’s Connect helps you quickly access legacy data such as VSAM, IMS, Db2 and more without installing any software on source systems.

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Design data transformation pipelines

Easily load data from EBCDIC-encoded mainframe VSAM, flat files and variable files natively into Delta Lake. Transform hierarchically organized records into relationally formatted ones, and handle a variety of COBOL structures and clauses with ease.

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Deploy the pipeline and load data into Delta Lake

Take a design once, deploy anywhere approach to all data pipelines. Leverage Connect’s high-performance load to Delta Lake and native integration with Databricks.

Use cases

Legacy data migration

Create high-performance ETL pipelines to migrate data from legacy data sources such as mainframe and Hadoop into Delta Lake with Precisely’s Connect integration engine.

AI/ML on legacy data

Import an exact bit-for-bit copy of mainframe and IBM i data into Delta Lake to enhance AI/ML applications.

Digital modernization

Populate Delta Lake with data changes from legacy systems to improve the customer experience in real time with Connect’s capabilities.



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