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Mosaic AI Model Training - pre-training


Model Training - pre-training GPU Prices and DBU Rates

Instance typeDBU/hr
(all regions)
On-Demand Training
(US Price per GPU per hour)
Training Reservation
(US Price per GPU per hour)
Training Hero Reservation
(US Price per GPU per hour)
A100 40GB7.304$4.75$4.02$5.48
A100 80GB8.462$5.50$4.65$6.35

Compare features

On-Demand Training

Training Reservation

Training Hero Reservation

Train multi-billion-parameter models

Full model ownership

Orchestrate across multiple clouds

Scale to hundreds of GPUs

High availability

Large-scale training runs for reservation durations of 7+ days

Available Hero Run enablement services and support


No, Mosaic AI Model Training - pre-training is provided through the MosaicML Platform Service, not through Databricks on AWS.