by Ameet Talwalkar and Anthony Joseph
For the past several months, we have been working in collaboration with professors from the University of California Berkeley and University of California Los Angeles to produce two freely available Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). We are proud to announce that both MOOCs will launch in June on the edX platform!
The first course, called Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark, begins today and teaches students about Apache Spark and performing data analysis. The second course, called Scalable Machine Learning, will begin on June 29th and will introduce the underlying statistical and algorithmic principles required to develop scalable machine learning pipelines, and provides hands-on experience using Spark. Both courses will be freely available on the edX MOOC platform, and edX Verified Certificates are also available for a fee.
Students have shown an overwhelming interest in these courses, as exhibited by the following enrollment numbers (as of 5/28/15):
We would also like to thank the Spark community for their support. Several community members are serving as teaching assistants and beta testers, and multiple study groups have been organized by community members in anticipation of these courses.
Both courses are available for free on the edX website, and you can sign up for them today:
It is our mission to enable data scientists and engineers around the world to leverage the power of Big Data, and an important part of this mission is to educate the next generation.