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Databricks Launches Second MOOC: Scalable Machine Learning

Platform blog

Published: June 29, 2015

Announcements2 min read

We have been working in collaboration with professors at UC Berkeley and UCLA to produce two freely available Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The first MOOC was released earlier this month and has been a tremendous success, with over 60K students enrolled and a large number of active students.  We are excited to announce that the second MOOC is launching today!

This new course, called CS190.1x: Scalable Machine Learning, introduces the underlying statistical and algorithmic principles required to develop scalable machine learning pipelines, and provides hands-on experience using Apache Spark.  This course is freely available on the edX MOOC platform, and edX Verified Certificates are also available for a fee.  Moreover, this course was developed in conjunction with the first Databricks-sponsored MOOC, called CS100.1x: Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark. Students who complete both courses will receive a BerkeleyX Big Data XSeries Certificate.

Students have shown an overwhelming interest in these courses, as exhibited by the following statistics (as of 6/26/15):

  • 100K+ enrolled students
  • 4K+ Verified Certificate enrollments
  • 24.2% active students in CS100.1x
  • 11.3% completion rate for CS100.1x

It is our mission to enable data scientists and engineers around the world to leverage the power of big data by making it simple, and an important part of this mission is to educate the next generation.

You can still sign up for both courses today:

  1. Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark
  2. Scalable Machine Learning

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