Try this notebook series in Databricks Introduction The global sports market is huge, comprised of players, teams, leagues, fan clubs, sponsors, etc., and...
Today we are proud to introduce the Databricks Unified Analytics Platform for Genomics. With a unified platform for genomic data processing, tertiary analytics...
Databricks is thrilled to announce the Databricks Runtime for Machine Learning, including ready-to-use Machine Learning frameworks, simplified distributed training, and GPU Support. Register...
Customers today leverage a variety of data sources to perform complex queries to drive business insight. For example, to better understand user behavior...
We have recently shipped the new Databricks Runtime version 4.1 powered by Apache Spark™. Version 4.1 brings improved performance on read/write from sources...
Databricks is thrilled to announce our new optimized autoscaling feature. The new Apache Spark™-aware resource manager leverages Spark shuffle and executor statistics to...